
Archive for July, 2015

Gay Pride Parade
The common parade which I know normally such as flower parade, parade during Independence Day, or disable person parade.
Flower parade, a parade in which the vehicles are decorated with thousands of flower, followed with marching band or people in costume. They are showing the unique flower of their origin and the identity of their nation. They showed the pride of their nation and the beauty of their flower.
Then, there is parade which celebrated by disable person. This parade is held to change the way people think about and define disability, so people more understand them and more accept disable people.
And, what about gay pride parade? This issue was recently booming after USA Supreme Court legalized gay married in June 26, 2015 in all 50 U.S. states. This parade was started long time ago in June 28, 1970 to mark the date of Stonewall riots. And since then, all the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) feel like the world is theirs. LGBT fans celebrating through social media, how happy they are to get the equal right of marriage.
According to Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_pride_parade), “Pride parades are used by LGBT community to celebrating the LGBT culture and pride”. These parades held in NYC, London, Brazil, and many more cities all over the world. Which make me wonder, what kind of pride they’re celebrating?
According to dictionary, “pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of one’s close associates, or from the qualities or possessions that are widely admired.”
To be honest, what is the pride of being LGBT? What is their achievement that they want to show off? For me, these parades are used to encourage other people to become gay. Also a moment for LGBT to meet, expand their gay acquaintances, or hunting. With this parade, LGBT trying to send message to people who still not sure about their identity that “they are exist, and you are not alone, don’t be shy, it’s normal”.
This parade is surely a treat for normal social life. Yes, I’m using the word “normal”, because I believe LGBT is abnormal. There are a lot of debates and arguments to define the abnormality of LGBT. Previously, it was categorized as sexual orientation disorder, and now it is categorized as sexual variation. I will not define the abnormality from religion point of view, because I’m not a saint, and because religion is private relation between human and creator. I will not define the abnormality from morality point of view, because morality is decided by society where people live.
As you know, LGBT cannot naturally create another human. What if all people are LGBT? Surely, human will vanished from earth, extinct. And it is enough reason for me to call them abnormal.
They are different, but they are still human who have rights to live. I don’t really care what the world has offered them. They can marry, they can take critical position in the government, and they can pray to God, it is really not my concern.
What I really worry is the future of my kids. In my opinion and experience, LGBT person is really aggressive. Maybe it is because of the fact that LGBT population is 5% – 7% of population. I myself have been become target of them twice, even though they knew I’m straight and have a good marriage.
This world has a lot of thing to offer. Don’t let your kid fall to the trap called gay pride parade. This is the most ridiculous parade I’ve known. Protect your family, and parent should show the kid what the truly love is, by giving good sample through themselves.
This writing is merely my own opinion. Anyone who has different opinion and data are welcome to put their comment.

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